7 Ways to create Privacy in an Open Office
lalshof2020-10-11T12:44:45+04:00An open office design is promoted as the platform for communication and collaboration among employees. But with the open office concept, privacy and noise issues can make the workplace stressful. In today’s post-covid workplace, it’s more important than ever to enforce physical distancing and create options for smaller, private and focused work spaces within the larger work layout.
Today, the workplace is more open than ever. Most offices have fewer walls and more open areas, shared spaces and facilities. This has led to a privacy crisis among the employees. Can an open office still respect privacy in the workplace and maintain safe distancing between workers? Let’s find out!

Let’s look at 7 Ways to create Privacy in an Open Office
1. Choose the Right Materials
Choosing the materials to use in an office space is imperative. Soft materials can help absorb sound waves and prevent discussions or noisy distractions from moving throughout the office. Adjusting the panel height between workstations to be above the user’s seated line of sight, can provide significantly more auditory and visual privacy.
Check out Hyle series.

2. Acoustic panels
Acoustic panels are made of soft PET material that is hung vertically to help absorb sound waves. The large surface area provides more space for the sound waves to come in contact with a soft surface. Basic acoustic panels will get the job done, but there are higher-end options that are more stylish, sleek, and modern.
3. Set times for focus work
There are some tasks that are better accomplished with quiet concentration. Set hours for people to stay at their desks and not approach other team members with questions or requests.
4. Quiet Rooms
Create designated spaces that are reserved for quiet or individual work. If you have small conference rooms, they could be perfect for phone meetings or employees who need to work alone for a period of time. If you don’t have any of those spaces, a semi-private space or partitioned-off space could work.

5. Collaborative Workspaces
Set up spaces that are meant specifically for employees who are looking to collaborate, brainstorm or work on a team project. This space should be created at a distance from workstation areas. This can allow your other team members the opportunity to work at least semi quietly and privately at their own desks.
6. Agile furniture
Even something as simple as mobile furniture can allow for greater privacy in an open office. When people are working on a project together, they can move their chairs and tables to one area where they’re unlikely to cause disturbance to others.
Check out Mandic moveable furniture.

7. Office Furniture for Visual Privacy in an Open Office
Furniture can offer another way of creating private space in an open environment. Choose a Sofa which boasts of a comfortable seat and high, flexible side and back panels to create privacy and retreat in an office – perfect for a private, two-person meeting or a phone call.
Check out Flower Sofa series.
There are many different variables that make up a productive workplace. Providing workers with the proper privacy they need in order to do their jobs is a small price to pay for a successful, happy working office that can still be interactive and collaborative.
Employers can create a balance between privacy and collaboration, in order to create a successful open office environment.
Get in touch to learn more about the office furniture solutions for high-performing workspaces.